CCOE strives for Innovation and Excellence in CIMIC Training

The CIMIC Centre of Excellence (CCOE) Training and Education (T&E) branch recently concluded an impactful week in Münster, Germany, focused on exchanging expertise, professional collaboration, and course development.

The week began with an engaging exchange with the G9 (CIMIC) branch of the 1 German-Netherlands Corps (1GNC). This session provided crucial insights into how a NATO "Warfighting Corps" perceives evolving operating environments and addresses tactical challenges, helping to align future CCOE training initiatives with real-world requirements. Key discussions centred on enhancing the role and perception of CIMIC in multi-domain operations (MDO), total defense scenarios, and leveraging cognitive and information-based approaches to complement kinetic strategies.

Subsequent days were dedicated to refining the CCOE’s course landscape. Key outcomes included plans to improve scenario-based training, integrate an innovative course structure, and better align the courses with each other. The streamlining of feedback processes and internal administrative processes were also part of the discussion to ensure continuous quality improvements.

This week-long initiative reinforced CCOE’s commitment to innovation and operational relevance, ensuring that its training framework evolves to meet the demands of complex and constantly evolving operating environments.