TRA Review

As part of the kickoff for the Global Programming cycle, the Training Requirements Analysis (TRA) review for the CIMIC Discipline took place from Monday, 28 January to 29 January 2025, at the NATO Civil-Military Cooperation Centre of Excellence (CCOE) in The Hague.

Chaired by a representative from NATO - Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE) J9, as the Requirement Authority (RA), the review brought together a working team comprising members from the CCOE, CIMIC Department Head, NATO Allied Joint Force Command Brunssum (JFCBS), JFC Naples (NATO), MARCOM, and NATO Joint Warfare Centre. The primary focus of the meeting was to assess and refine education and training requirements in key areas, such as CIMIC Analysis and Assessment, Resilience through Civil Preparedness, and the NATO CIMIC Higher Command Course.

The insights and action points derived from this review will be further discussed at the Annual Discipline Conference in June 2025, contributing to the ongoing development of CIMIC education and training within NATO.