The CCOE is back online

The CCOE is again online for the execution of a class!

Under the lead of Course Director Major Ivan Ermenc, the CCOE, together with the support of contracted specialists, executes the CIMIC Functional Specialist Course in the virtual world.

Aim of the course is to provide the enrolled Functional Specialists from The Netherlands, Germany, United Kingdom, Uganda, Italy and The United States with an insightful understanding of NATO CIMIC & CMI activities while focusing on the interconnection between CIMIC and different areas of civil expertise. Within this small, multinational and diverse group, students learn and practice online, how to contribute with their civil expertise to CIMIC activities and assessments. Moreover, students will learn how to work in military environments and become familiar with their respective products and processes.

Based on student feedback we conclude that the CCOE’s learning curve is steep, regarding being able to offer the students a stimulating online learning environment.