
  • Visit to the 353rd Civil Affairs Command
    01 July 2024

    Visit to the 353rd Civil Affairs Command

    Visiting friends - The CCOE visits the 353 Civil Affairs Command Between June 18 and June 22, 2024, members of three branches of the CCOE visited the 353rd Civil Affairs Command in Staten Island, USA. As part of this visit the CCOE hosted the third i[...]

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  • Teambuilding at the CCOE
    25 April 2024

    Teambuilding at the CCOE

    Between April 23 and April 25, a delegation from the CIMIC branch (G9) of the 1 German Netherlands Corps (1 GNC), headed by Colonel Ove Staurset, visited the Civil-Military Cooperation Centre of Excellence (CCOE) in The Hague, The Netherlands.
    Colonel Andreas Eckel, the Director of CCOE, welcomed the 1 GNC team and initiated discussions on several contemporary themes:
    - Recent NATO CIMIC doctrinal advancements
    - NATO CIMIC's role in Combat Operations
    - Enhancing Resilience through Civil Preparedness
    - Developing CIMIC Analysis and Assessment Capabilities
    - Extracting insights from the conflict in Ukraine
    This visit combined with a teambuilding event facilitated a valuable exchange where the 1 GNC team could align CCOE's doctrinal perspectives with the operational realities faced at the corps level.
    The event promoted mutual understanding, managed expectations, and advocated for more frequent exchanges between CCOE and NATO Force Structure headquarters and units, such as the 1 GNC.

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  • The Co-Located Annual Discipline Conference 2023 in Helsinki, Finland
    21 June 2023

    The Co-Located Annual Discipline Conference 2023 in Helsinki, Finland

    From 13-16 June 2023, the CIMIC Centre of Excellence (CCOE) and FINCENT ( successfully executed the Annual Discipline Conference (ADC) in a co-located manner. This conference serves as a vital annual event where each of the 28 NATO Dis[...]

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  • A successful conclusion of the of NATO Tailored CIMIC Liaison Course in Liepaja!
    13 June 2023

    A successful conclusion of the of NATO Tailored CIMIC Liaison Course in Liepaja!

    Last week marked the successful conclusion of the second iteration of NATO Tailored Civil-Military Cooperation (CIMIC) Liaison Course for NATO Troops under Article 4 and 5. This training took place at the Navy Training Centre in Liepaja, Latvia. Guid[...]

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  • International cooperation: CCOE and the Netherlands Defence College
    07 June 2023

    International cooperation: CCOE and the Netherlands Defence College

    Last night, the Netherlands Defence College organised an international event to give the students of the Netherlands International Military Cooperation Course (IMC Course) the opportunity to meet their military colleagues working for the CCOE. The CC[...]

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  • New Commander Multinational CIMIC Command visits the CCOE
    24 May 2023

    New Commander Multinational CIMIC Command visits the CCOE

    On 23 and 24 May 2023, Colonel Armin Schaus, the recently appointed new Commander of the Multinational CIMIC Command (MN CIMIC Cmd) in Nienburg/ Germany since 24 March 2023, paid an introductory visit to the NATO Civil-Military Cooperation Centre of [...]

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  • Humanitarian Networks & Partnerships  Weeks
    02 May 2023

    Humanitarian Networks & Partnerships Weeks

    The CCOE Deputy Director, Colonel Henk Paape, accompanied by two staff officers from the cross-cutting topic team of the Concepts, Interoperability, Capabilities (CIC) Branch, attended the Humanitarian Networks Partnerships Week (HNPW) 2023 from 24 t[...]

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  • USEUCOM Visit: Another step to improve the interoperability in NATO CIMIC
    14 March 2023

    USEUCOM Visit: Another step to improve the interoperability in NATO CIMIC

    Today a US delegation from the United States European Command (USEUCOM) and the 21st Theater Sustainment Command visited the Civil-Military Cooperation Centre of Excellence (CCOE). This visit once again underscores the excellent relationship between [...]

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  • Fourth Writing Team: Allied Joint Publication 3.19
    07 February 2023

    Fourth Writing Team: Allied Joint Publication 3.19

    From January 31 to February 02 the CIMIC Centre of Excellence conducted the fourth writing team in the process of revising NATO’s doctrine for CIMIC: AJP-3.19 Allied Joint Publication 3.19: “Allied Joint doctrine for Civil-Military Cooperation”[...]

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  • Training Requirement Review 2023
    26 January 2023

    Training Requirement Review 2023

    On the 24th and 25th of January the CCOE hosted colleagues from SHAPE J9 for the Training Requirement Review (TRA). This formal process reviews the training requirements for all formal jobs within the CIMIC Discipline; both individual as collective. [...]

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  • Countering Hybrid Threats Seminar
    12 January 2023

    Countering Hybrid Threats Seminar

    This week from 9-12 January the Joint Multinational Readiness Center (JMRC), Operational Environment (OE), Mobile Training Team (MTT) conducted the "Countering Hybrid Threats" seminar at the CCOE in the Hague. In addition to the CCOE staff members, m[...]

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  • Interim Report from 2022 Civil Affairs Symposium
    02 January 2023

    Interim Report from 2022 Civil Affairs Symposium

    The Civil Affairs Association has published its interim report on the annual web-based Symposium on “Civil Affairs: A Force for Winning without Fighting.” Click here to download the report.

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  • CCOE’s Mobile Training Team meets General Thompson at Fort Wadsworth, New York
    05 December 2022

    CCOE’s Mobile Training Team meets General Thompson at Fort Wadsworth, New York

    On Sunday, Lieutenant Colonel Vogt and Captain Dyka from CCOE’s Mobile Training Team got to meet with Brigadier General Thompson at Fort Wadsworth, New York to discuss the upcoming course starting today at the 353rd Civil Affairs Command (CACOM). T[...]

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  • Visit US Delegation
    19 October 2022

    Visit US Delegation

    The USAREUR-AF, 7th ATC and SWCS meets with CCOE? What is that all about? We had a very fruitful Interoperability Meeting with a delegation from the United States Army in Europe and Africa (USAREUR-AF) from Wiesbaden, the 7th Army Training Command (A[...]

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  • Observer Coach Trainer (OCT) training
    30 September 2022

    Observer Coach Trainer (OCT) training

    On 27 - 30 September 2022, an Observer Coach Trainer (OCT) training took place at the Joint Multinational Readiness Center (JMRC) in Hohenfels, Germany.
    For the first time in the existence of the OCT Academy, participants from the CCOE have gone thro[...]

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  • Visit of an delegation from Lebanon
    29 September 2022

    Visit of an delegation from Lebanon

    This week, a delegation of the Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF) and the Lebanese CIMIC Directorate visited the CCOE.
    The LAF is working on full integration of CIMIC in their Army structures. Although the focus of the LAF is on the so-called Homeland CIMIC[...]

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  • Visit from NATO HQ Sarajevo
    21 September 2022

    Visit from NATO HQ Sarajevo

    Two staff members of NATO HQ Sarajevo in Bosnia Herzegovina visited CCOE to explore possibilities for cooperation. Main theme was organizing training events for Bosnian military and civilian. LTC (US A) Raines Warford, current J2 and Ms. Lidra Zegali[...]

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  • Visit: Japanese Joint Advanced Staff Course
    30 June 2022

    Visit: Japanese Joint Advanced Staff Course

    During their information tour through the Netherlands and the Dutch Armed Forces, a group from the Japanese Joint Advanced Staff Course visited the CCOE today. Supported by a colleague from our Training & Education Branch, the Director of the CCOE, C[...]

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  • Change of Command
    22 June 2022

    Change of Command

    On 22 June 2022, the CCOE welcomed several international guests to today’s Change of Command, from Colonel Frank van Boxmeer to Colonel Andreas Eckel. Together with the members of the CCOE Coordinating Committee, Colonel Mattia Zuzzi, as the Chair,[...]

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