Last Seats for the upcoming UN-CM Coord SHARED Course available, 05 – 08 Oct 2015

Hollander_Laine_den_newsThe United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UN OCHA) and the Civil-Military Cooperation Centre of Excellence (CCOE) signed a Cooperation Agreement on 14 May 2014. The Agreement outlines that both parties agree that CCOE, on behalf of OCHA-CMCS, conducts the “Supporting Humanitarian Action in Responding to Emergencies and Disasters (SHARED)” Course.

UN-CM Coord SHARED Curse, 05 – 08 October 2015 at CCOE in The Hague, Netherlands.


Aim of the UN-CM Coord SHARED course

The aim of the SHARED course is “to improve the effectiveness of humanitarian action1cab202_news in natural disasters and complex emergencies where military forces are/will be present by providing them with the right knowledge and understanding that enable them to provide the right support, to the right people, at the right time, in the most appropriate way.”

Objectives of the UN-CM Coord SHARED course

The objectives of the course are:

  • to learn and understand humanitarian action, actors, coordination, structures, programme cycle and humanitarian civil-military coordination, including the particular role of OCHA; to learn and understand the primary humanitarian response coordination platform and common response tools; and,
  • to analyze and apply the guidelines for the use of foreign Military Civil Defense Assets (MCDA) in supporting humanitarian action in natural disasters and complex emergencies, including underlying concepts and principles.

Uniqueness of the UN-CM Coord SHARED course

Flags The HagueThe Hague, as the “International City of Peace and Justice”, is home to more than 150 international organizations and academic institutions. The course director will use this unique opportunity with a planned visit of an UN related institution.

Target Audience for the UN-CM Coord SHARED course

Experienced military (officers and noncommissioned officers) preferably experienced in working in emergencies (planners, commanders of units dedicated to provide assistance in disaster response operations, CIMIC liaison officers) and civilians with a military background (former military personnel).

How to register for the UN-CM Coord SHARED course

For registration or more information about the UN-CM Coord SHARED Course click on the following button:

…see you in The Hague!