Annual Discipline Conference 2024

The CCOE hosted the co-located Annual Discipline Conference for three Disciplines at the CCOE in The Hague from 04-06 June 2024. The three disciplines executing their ADCs were Building Integrity, represented by the Centre for Integrity in the Defence Sector CIDS (NOR) and the NOR MoD, Military Contribution to Peace Support (MC2PS), represented by the Finnish Defence Forces International Centre FINCENT (FIN) and Civil-Military Cooperation, represented by the CCOE. All disciplines presented their training requirements and were aligning training solutions and elaborated on their achievements, future challenges and how Multi-Domain operations (MDO) are reflected in the course landscapes. FINCENT also revealed the new name of their Discipline: Integrated Security Discipline (ISD). Next to these ADCs, FINCENT showcased their virtual reality way of training, and CCOE provided a workshop on wargaming within their Modelling and Simulation program. As a complementary endeavour, CCOE executed the Training Support Conference with all relevant CIMIC stakeholders, while FINCENT organized several workshops covering Human Security, Security Force Assistance and Capacity Building.

With the Requiring Authorities (RA) of the three disciplines (being SHAPE J9 and NATO HQ) , the Points of Contact from ACT/JFD present and more than 80 participants, these ADCs indicate that there is a very successful extensive cooperation between the three disciplines and the Community of Interest – having the understanding of the civil environment and its key factors as a common element. To continue this cooperation, the next iteration of the co-located ADCs will cover these same three disciplines again!

The 2025 edition of the co-located ADC is planned for the week of 10-13 June 2025 in Finland.

 See you next year in Finland!