CCOE Staff Attend Exercise Combined Resolve 18
This week the CCOE supports the exercise Combined Resolve 18 at the Joint Multinational Readiness Center (JMRC) in Hohenfels, Germany. Combined Resolve 18 promotes regional stability and security while increasing readiness and strengthening partner capabilities amongst exercise participants.
The CCOE, alongside other NATO CIMICers and civil affairs (CA) work side by side to include the key factors of the civil environment in military operations during the high intensity scenario. The 7th ATC's openness and initiative, combined with the training audience's willingness to embrace the training, and the valuable observations and findings gathered, all contribute to improving CIMIC and CA which further enhances the effectiveness of the alliance.
(U.S. Army Reserves photo by: Sgt 1st Class Gregory Williams)
In the photo above Cpt. Degener, an Observe Coach Trainer from the CCOE's Lessons Learned branch, briefed Col. Paape, the deputy director of the CCOE, and Col. Eckel, the director of the CCOE, on the integration of CIMIC in mock scenarios during Exercise Combined Resolve 18.