Teambuilding at the CCOE

Between April 23 and April 25, a delegation from the CIMIC branch (G9) of the 1 German Netherlands Corps (1 GNC), headed by Colonel Ove Staurset, visited the Civil-Military Cooperation Centre of Excellence (CCOE) in The Hague, The Netherlands.

Colonel Andreas Eckel, the Director of CCOE, welcomed the 1 GNC team and initiated discussions on several contemporary themes:

- Recent NATO CIMIC doctrinal advancements

- NATO CIMIC's role in Combat Operations

- Enhancing Resilience through Civil Preparedness

- Developing CIMIC Analysis and Assessment Capabilities

- Extracting insights from the conflict in Ukraine

This visit combined with a teambuilding event facilitated a valuable exchange where the 1 GNC team could align CCOE's doctrinal perspectives with the operational realities faced at the corps level.

The event promoted mutual understanding, managed expectations, and advocated for more frequent exchanges between CCOE and NATO Force Structure headquarters and units, such as the 1 GNC.