The First NATO CIMIC Analysis and Assessment Course begins!
The New Kid On The Block!
Yesterday the director of the Civil-Military Cooperation Centre of Excellence (CCOE), Colonel Andreas Eckel, welcomed the students of the very first NATO CIMIC Analysis and Assessment Course (NCAAC). From now on, this course serves an integral part of the CCOE curriculum aiming at supporting Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe’s (SHAPE) initiative to establish an Allied Command Operations (ACO)-wide CIMIC Analysis and Assessment (CIMIC A&A) capability.
The course makes the students discovering the subject of CIMIC A&A. After one day of getting introduced to the latest and future developments in CIMIC, the students are taking their first steps into the world of analysis by exploring the CIMIC A&A workflow, its phases and subsequent tasks to be performed. While walking the process, the NCAAC students are getting familiarised with numerous Structured Analytic Techniques (SAT). These techniques are forming a sort of tool box at the hands of the students ready to be employed whenever CIMIC is to provide robust, concise and incontestable advice related to the civil factors of the operating environment, also known as the Civil Environment (CE).
Currently, thirteen students representing seven different NATO countries are taking the opportunity to discover new ground and expand their individual portfolio of knowledge and skills in favour of adding even more value to their international or national CIMIC headquarters and units. The CCOE is looking forward to more exiting learning moments to come throughout the coming days.
Photos by PAO CCOE