NATO Tailored CIMIC Liaison Course for NATO Troops in ART 4 / 5 in Liepaja / Latvia
The preparation is finished to conduct the NATO tailored CIMIC liaison Course for NATO Troops in Art 4/5 at the Navy Training Centre in Liepaja / Latvia led by the CCOE Course Director Major Francesco Di Giampietro. As requested by Latvia as one of CCOE’s Framework Nations, the course scenario is very much related to real life scenario, where a possible deployment of NATO CIMIC Forces would take place on NATO territory. This does not only reflect the current political situation related to possible deployments of NATO CIMIC Forces in a system of collective defence, but also is focused on a change of the mind-set. Therefore, the course participants sent by seven different nations (DEU, EST, ITA, LVA, LTU, NLD, POL) will enhance their knowledge about the differences in the way how to conduct CIMIC tasks in a NATO Art 4/5 scenario compared to being deployed outside of NATO-territory. The course will start on Monday 17th October and last til 21st with the participation of 24 students.”