CCOE Cross-Cutting Topic Team at the Brown University Watson Institute in Providence, Rhode Island

The Human Security/ Cross-Cutting Topic (CCT) Team of the CIMIC Centre of Excellence (CCOE) recently had the honour of participating in the esteemed Civilian-Military Humanitarian Coordination Research Symposium and Workshop held at Brown University Watson Institute in Providence, Rhode Island. 

The event brought together military and civilian experts from around the world to address current and future challenges. This year’s theme was “Civilian-Military Humanitarian Coordination in Large-Scale Combat Operations.”

The Research Symposium featured oral presentations of recently completed empirical studies and six poster presentations, each offering unique insights into contemporary challenges in global humanitarian action. The topics covered urban and maritime civil-military humanitarian coordination, humanitarian access in the era of strategic competition, climate change and coastal resilience, and civil-military relations in public health emergencies. After the Research Symposium, a two-day workshop was held to dive into various thematic areas. The CCT team participated in the Protection of Civilians Workshop, which aimed to explore how civil-military exchanges can help prevent and address harm to civilians. The objective was to facilitate in-depth discussions to enhance policy and research agendas.

We're proud to contribute to discussions improving coordination in global humanitarian initiatives. As CCOE, we are working towards a contemporary and future environment where military and non-military actors are seamlessly integrated into military activities.