Welcome Sweden as the newest Member in NATO
The Civil-Military Cooperation Centre of Excellence (CCOE) is pleased to warmly welcome Mr. Mikael Granholm, the Director General of the Swedish Armed Forces. To explore opportunities for enhancing collaboration between the Swedish Armed Forces and CCOE, we are honoured to host this distinguished delegation.
We extend our heartfelt welcome and eagerly anticipate the prospect of forging close cooperation and facilitating the exchange of expertise and experience in civil-military cooperation (CIMIC). CIMIC is a pivotal military joint function that integrates an understanding of the civilian elements within the operational environment. It empowers, facilitates, and executes civil-military interactions to bolster mission accomplishment and advance military strategic objectives across peacetime, crises, and conflicts.
As Sweden just recently joined NATO, this historic decision represents a significant milestone in Europe's security landscape, amplifying our collective efforts to foster peace and stability in the region. Sweden's accession to NATO as a steadfast Alliance member reinforces our collective defence capabilities and underscores our unwavering commitment to cooperation and solidarity within the Alliance. We are confident that Sweden's wealth of expertise and experience will greatly enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of our collaborative endeavours.
The CCOE eagerly anticipates welcoming Sweden into NATO and, together, addressing the multifaceted challenges presented by the contemporary security landscape.
Picture: PAO CCOE