Accredited – Master of Arts Civil-Military Interaction
Last June week 2016, the Master of Civil-Military Interaction (M-CMI) was formally endorsed by the accreditation commission ACQUIN (Accreditation, Certification and Quality Assurance Institute). Herewith the CCOE has been granted the highest quality standards of academic accreditation in Education & Training. This marks a milestone for the development of this unique program, which started in early 2014.
CCOE Management was participating in the accreditation hearing at the Helmut-Schmidt-University (HSU HH) in Hamburg in February 2016 (read more here), which resulted in the successful accreditation of the CMI-Master.
The program qualifies personnel in leadership function for managerial roles in the field of Civil-Military Interaction. The degree is an educational opportunity for civilian and military personnel who is eligible to enter a Master’s Degree and brings the academic rigor to follow the program. The CCOE is official partner of the Helmut-Schmidt-University and co-facilitator of this academic postgraduate degree.
To learn more regarding the Master have a look on the CMI Master Factsheet and our first CIMIC Messenger 2016.
The accreditation does not form the end of this process, it is rather the beginning of the implementation, which will start from now on. Next steps will be announced by the HSU HH and the CCOE soon.