Next step towards the Master of Civil-Military Interaction
Main effort of the CCOE this week was the accreditation hearing on the Master of Civil-Military Interaction (M-CMI) at the Helmut-Schmidt-University in Hamburg. A strong CCOE delegation consisting of the Director, Colonel Roel Been, Branch Head Training & Education, Lieutenant Colonel Rudolph Keijzer, Branch Head Lessons Learned, Lieutenant Colonel Lars Cramer-Larsen and Staff Officer Academia, Captain Marian Corbe, participated in the two day event.
The formal procedure towards Bologna accreditation of the M-CMI included discussion with University and CCOE leadership, the programme developers and future students. The commission was inspired by the innovative idea of a Master of Arts degree consisting of civilian and military modules and recognized the educational gap in academic education in the field of CMI and CIMIC.
The outcome of the accreditation hearing will be issued in a formal report in due time. CCOE will keep you posted.
Article is written by CCOE/ Concepts, Interoperability, Capabilities/ Academia/ Captain Marian Corbe (GER A).