Analysis Makes the Difference Workshop
The CCOE will host the Analysis Makes the Difference Workshop, in The Hague, Netherlands, from the 16-18 October 2018.
The workshop consists of three independent syndicates:
- Comprehensive Analysis;
- CIMIC Lessons Learned;
- Civil-Military Information Sharing (CMIS)-Federated Mission Networking (FMN).
The general aim of the workshop is to strengthen cooperation between the military and civilian spheres by enhancing mutual trust and confidence between NATO, its partners and other international and local actors.
The focus of the workshop is to deep dive into themes capable to enhance CIMIC Lessons Learned Cycle such as CIV-MIL Information sharing, Assessment/Analysis and Lessons Learned structures. This edition’s highlights will include presentations and discussions on:
- Military and Civilian approaches to Analysis of the Civil Environment – including Conflict Analysis, Resilience Building, Collective Defence and Stability Operations – with illustrative case studies i.e. Middle East North Africa (MENA) region and Eastern Europe area;
- Enhancing the CIMIC Lessons Learned Community/Mindset;
- Improvement of concepts and architectures for CIV-MIL Information Sharing.
- Build a solid platform to link analysts and decision makers from different stakeholders and create a common understanding on comprehensive analysis.
- Sustain and develop through advanced training a network of CIMIC Lesson Learned SMEs capable to improve CIMIC LL collection and sharing tools, procedures and structures.
- Define and adopt common information exchange processes, architectures and standards, particularly those for data sharing, between CIV-MIL partners and similar stakeholders.
The audience reaches from tactical to strategic level, depending on the discussed topic. The CIMIC LL Syndicate will mainly be military centric, while the two remaining syndicates are designed for a broader audience involving representatives both from civilian and military stakeholders.
Point of Contact
For further information, click here or contact:
LTC John Jakobsen
CDR Rene Halfmann