CCOE host the Frits van Kalshoven IHL Competition
The CCOE hosted the Frits van Kalshoven International Humanitarian Law Competition on 25 February 2015. The unique competition on IHL, organized by the Netherlands Red Cross and the Belgian Red Cross-Flanders, gives the opportunity to students to “take law out of the books”. This is done in a very intensive week where students are confronted with role play, simulations and moot courts. A jury composed of highly experienced people in the field of IHL will evaluate the teams.
IHL also plays an important role for CIMIC personnel. For example, in the NCFSC a two hour legal class is given to the students. Furthermore, in other courses, students learn about the importance of rule of law and good governance. The CCOE always aims to cooperate with civil organizations such as the Red Cross as we recognize the importance to get to know each other before we have to work together in the field.
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