CIMIC Mission Application: On-site training in Poland
CCOE’s Lessons Learned/Development branch conducted the second abroad training and evaluation of the CIMIC Mission Application (App) in KIELCE, Poland from the 21st to 22nd of April. The CCOE was invited by the Polish Ministry of Defense G9 branch and was also a guest at the Military Training Centre for Foreign Operations (MTC), which is the home of the Polish CIMIC unit. The workshop included lectures, an exercise which focused on key tasks for CIMIC field workers and provided the CCOE with invaluable experiences. In addition, the CCOE welcomed the Polish insights for the further development and future introduction of the CIMIC Mission App within the curricula of CCOE’s courses.
The Director of the CCOE, Col Roel Been, the Polish CCOE Coordinating Committee representative, Col Slawomir Waliszewski, and the Commander of the MTC, Col Wieslaw Mitkowski, also used the opportunity to attend several lectures and gained insights how modern technology and technics could support CIMIC in the near future. The Polish CIMIC Community is looking forward to introduce the App in their upcoming deployments abroad.
The training in Poland was a major step forward for the future development of the Mission App. The next step will be the upcoming CIMIC Mission App workshop from the 11th to 12th of May 2015 at the CCOE in The Hague, where one of the focus points will be the exchange of the experiences between the CCOE and the users of the App.
Article is written by CCOE/ LL Branch, LtCol Michael Piotrowski (DEU)