CIMIC Unit Commanders Conference
DIR CIMIC COE Col (GS) Wolfgang Paulik
DIR CIMIC COE Col (GS) Wolfgang Paulik
From 12-14 September the Director of the CCOE Colonel Wolfgang Paulik and Branch Chief Lessons Learned & Development LTC Lars Cramer-Larsen represented the CCOE at the 9th CIMIC Unit Commanders Conference (CUCC).
This annual conference is chaired by SHAPE ACOS J9 and hosted by the Multinational CIMIC Group in Motta die Livenza (ITA).
LTC Cramer-Larsen briefed the audience on topics how to share Lessons within the community, Lessons from TRJE16, the impact of Urbanisation and the Master of Civil-Military Interaction (CMI).
LTC Lars Cramer-Larsen, Branch Chief LL/Dev
The overall purpose of the conference was to provide the audience with a tactical level framework for discussions, on the latest developments in NATO CIMIC/CMI environment, sharing views, best experiences and expertise among all participants to further harmonize CIMIC tactics, techniques and procedures.
The conference focused this year on CIMIC contribution and impact on Influence Ops at the Tactical Level and CIMIC/CMI Lessons Learned.