Designing new CIMIC training opportunities
Picture: Captain Ralf Baur (standing) adressing the particpants of the workshop/ Source: CCOE/ Dube
Moving forward could have been the motto applied for the workshop just recently hosted by the CIMIC Centre of Excellence (CCOE) in The Hague, The Netherlands.
Following up the results of the Training Requirement Analysis (TRA) and last year’s Civil-Military Interaction (CMI) Workshop, a Training Needs Analysis (TNA) Workshop has been organized by CCOE from 10th till 12th February 2016.
The Departments Head (DH) lead TNA workshop needs to be looked at as the final step into new training opportunities to be designed covering the NATO capability of Civil-Military Cooperation (CIMIC).
The Workshop has attracted participants from Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE), NATO Special Forces Headquarters, Joint Force Command Naples, Maritime Command (MARCOM), Allied Land Command (LANDCOM), Joint Warfare Centre, 1 CMI Command and Multinational CIMIC Group representing all levels of NATO’s Command and Force Structure. The participants have reviewed the outcome of the previous TRA and provided significant inputs to the Design Phase of the TNA.
These series of workshops are part of NATO’s Global Programming System aiming for aligned and up to date training opportunities to be offered to the customer. Thanks to the diverse audience the outcome can be understood as a significant step towards a new CIMIC training and education (T&E) landscape.
The analysis is finished now. The next steps will be to design and develop new CIMIC training opportunities.
Article is written by CCOE/ Training and Education/ Captain Ralf Baur (GER F) and Natalia Wojtowicz (Intern).