Digital Library – an easy way to find CIMIC and CMI documents
The CCOE introduces a Digital Library. Here you can find available public information on Civil-Military Cooperation (CIMIC) and Civil-Military Interaction (CMI). Items can be found through Search, Tags or Categories.
The Digital Library is the product of a CCOE project managed by Lieutenant Colonel Hans Scherpenhuijzen. At the moment content consists of documents which are also posted at our main website. Different is that search, tag or category browsing at a dedicated subdomain makes them better retrievable. More documents will be added.
In the next half year this Digital Library will be tested and evaluated. It is our intention to communicate with users on usability and needed additional functionality. We also encourage users to contribute to the content with documents on CIMIC and CMI.
The CCOE aims to provide a clearly arranged database on public CIMIC and CMI related information, which can be retrieved in a very adequate manner. The Digital Library can be found at Responsive design ensures usability on any screen.
Explore this proof of concept of a CIMIC and CMI Digital Library and share your experiences with us. Please contact for any contributions, questions or suggestions …
Article is written by CCOE/ Planning & Coordination/ Lieutenant Colonel Hans Scherpenhuijzen (NLD F)