First CIMIC Information Management Systems Workshop
CCOE’s Lessons Learned and Analysis Branch hosted, from the 2nd until the 4th of May, the first CIMIC Information Management System Workshop. This event gathered practitioners and developers of CIV MIL Information Management Systems, in order to get an insight into different systems, discuss different approaches and share experiences. Therefore, the discussions were constructed around three main topics:
• Demonstration of different Management Systems,
• Information Process and
• Considerations regarding interoperability and classification.
The workshop brought together a broad spectrum of participants from Academia, research institutes, software companies, UNOCHA, NATO Command and Force Structure, CIMIC military commands, NGO’s and CCOE’s Sponsoring Nations.
The 1st CIMIC Information Management System Workshop enhanced the knowledge and understanding of CIMIC Information Management System and functional services whilst improving the opportunity to identify common interests and create synergies where possible. At the same time the workshop provided the venue for SHAPE’s ACO CIMIC/CMI Information Sub Working Group with the aim of refining the system requirements and architecture.
CCOE: Global Synchronisation Point for CIMIC and CMI!
CIMIC Information Management Systems Workshop