First Civil-Military-Police coordination – Conference at the CCOE
Picture: Conference picture/ Source: CCOE/ Dube
From 09 to 11 December 2015 the CCOE hosted the ‘Preparing a New Generation of Civil-Military-Police Coordination for Human Security” conference. Over 70 participants, military and civilian, from 30 countries representing 6 continents attended the conference. It was organized by the Alliance for Peacebuilding (AfP), the Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflicts (GPPAC), the Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies and in collaboration with the Knowledge Platform Security and Rule of Law. The conference was opened by Mr. Peter van Tuijl, Executive Director GPPAC Global Secretariat, and CCOE Deputy Director Lieutenant Colonel Andreas Eckel.
This 2,5 day conference was the culmination of a 3-year global mapping, consulting and curriculum development process, looking to better prepare civilians, military and Police for coordinating with each other for human security. The end results a “Handbook on Human Security: a Civil-Military-Police Curriculum”, “Local ownership in security: case studies of peacebuilding approaches”, and “policy brief” were presented during the conference. The handbook and case studies enables stakeholders to familiarize themselves with the training curriculum in an interactive setting, and explore opportunities of its dissemination in diverse settings.
Picture: Panel discussion/ Source: CCOE/ Dube
The handbook and case studies are digital available on the website of the project ‘Civil Society and Security Sector Engagement for Human Security’, where the conference documents and report will also be posted in due time (Click here).
Article is written by CCOE/ Concepts, Interoperability, Capabilities/ Major Wouter van Koeveringe (NLD MP).