Functional Specialist – understanding implications of CIMIC work
From 09th until 13th February the first NATO CIMIC Functional Specialist Course in 2015 was carried out at the CCOE.
19 Students have participated. They came from The Netherlands and Austria. The majority of participants were Reserve officers from the Dutch 1 Civil-Military Interaction Command. The Course was supported by syndicate coaches from the Netherlands and the USA. Their knowledge and experience have contributed to the success of the course.
The students gained most of theoretical knowledge through lectures given by CCOE internal and external Subject Matter Experts. The guest lecturer from the International Committee of the Red Cross and the Johanniter and also communicating and negotiating with each other gave the students insights in the Civil Dimension and the opportunity to test their communication skills.
The theoretical part was concluded by a mission experience brief from a Functional Specialists. The invited lecturer, who has just completed his mission in Mali, shared with us his experiences.
Having completed this course the students are able to understand the implications of their work for the CIMIC environment as well as the contribution of CIMIC to the overall military mission as a vital part of a Comprehensive Approach in mission areas. Furthermore the participants are now alumni and consequently member of the preferred network in the field of Civil Military Interaction.
Story by Major Ludwig Ozvald, Course Director at CCOE