Gender Equality in the Military – a study visit at The CCOE
Gender is a cross cutting issue. CCOE acknowledges the importance of implementing a gender perspective in military operations. Implementing gender also contributes to operational effectiveness. CCOE has integrated gender in its courses, published a Make Sense Booklet on gender and CCOE representatives take part in various workshops, seminars and exercises to share lessons learned and best practices and improve training materials for teaching gender to the military. In that way, CCOE was proud to host the study visit of enabled representatives of Ministries of Defence (MoDs) and armed Forces from the Western Balkans on gender equality in the military. It was a pleasure to host the event in close cooperation with the MoD of the Netherlands and South Eastern and Eastern Europe Clearinghouse for the Control of Small Arms and Light Weapons (SEESAC). We believe it is very important to openly share experiences so we can learn from each other and improve ourselves.
Bojana Balon, Programme Officer at SEESAC – United Nations Development Programme, commented the study visit:
„I would like to take this opportunity to thank you once again for hosting us last week at the CCOE and for developing and delivering a fantastic program of the study visit. The participants (and we) enjoyed it a lot, and benefitted greatly. The program reflected on all the topics that we requested and/or that the participants were interested in and I am looking forward to working with the MoDs this year and seeing how some of the lessons learnt and ideas might be replicated in our region.“
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