Intensive discussions and great interaction
22 students from 13 nations participate in the running NATO CIMIC Higher Command Course, held at Civil-Military Cooperation Centre of Excellence in The Hague, NLD.
The number of students with a practical tactical CIMIC background, including numerous deployments in CIMIC positions is remarkable. The mix of extended mission experience and a broad Civil Military Interaction (CMI)/CIMIC knowledge base leads to intense discussions, great interaction and a valuable outcome for the course. Two civilian students complement the course with their experiences and views.
The aim of this course is to enable CMI/CIMIC personnel (OF 3 – OF 6) from Strategic, Joint Force and Component Command Level and equivalent non NATO and non military personnel, to conduct CMI/CIMIC activities across the full spectrum of military engagement in a modern conflict situation or in a humanitarian relief operation, to assess the political-military context, to interact with all parties within a conflict situation and to contribute with CMI/CIMIC functional expertise to the planning and other staff processes.
For more information about the NATO CIMIC Higher Command Course follow the link: NATO CIMIC Higher Command Course