Printer, Laptop, Beamer, W-LAN – CCOE’s CIS Section
IT-Soldiers work all around the globe in missions. Facing rough circumstances, they manage to always fulfil their task, keeping the connection to the Homefront. Less spectacular – but nonetheless challenging – are the tasks and duties of our small CIS Section.
Only three IT-soldiers fight the daily struggles and challenges in our multinational environment. The tasks they have to fulfil are wide ranged – although they don’t operate SATCOM-stations or have to work in shifts.
Flexibility is the key
The CIS-section works – as common in this sector – rather quiet, less visible and competent in the background, while still playing a key part in the success of the CCOE. Our whole IT infrastructure is completely independent. Implementation and maintenance are carried out completely by our colleagues from the CIS section. The most important aspect is to secure a modern learning and teaching environment for our staff workers, students and instructors. It starts with eLearning, and ends with the proper erasing of the student laptops when the course is over.
For the staff of the CCOE they implemented a User Help Desk with first and second level support. ”Naturally it’s not always CCOE material. Small problems that occur with the different IT-system from participating nations as well as sometimes a private laptop” tells Captain Tim Schleimer, the Section Head.
A lot of the work takes place in the background. The most important premise is to “stay connected” – ideally the users shouldn’t even notice what is going on. Just recently the CIS Section replaced the whole IT security structure. Due to exceptional planning and user-friendly implementation it just caused a downtime of 1 hour on a Friday afternoon.
Some projects are only linked indirectly to CIS. The CCOE for example works closely with the Modeling & Simulation Department of the nearby Technical University in Delft. To make sure that this project will run in-house as expected, the CIS section supports it from the beginning. It will provide on one hand great insights on difficult CIMIC processes and on the other hand it improves our Training and Education (T&E) abilities.
Members of the CCOE in conversation with the TU Delft.
The User declares the Pace
“This is obviously something really special: We have our own network, different national and international concerns and additionally a lot of special projects. The variety of our task don’t allow us to have a standard day rhythm. We need to be flexible. This exhaust not only my team but also me, but it is a lot of fun! There is also always the perk that you are able to live where others drive for their holidays.” concludes Captain Schleimer.
For our Centre CIS is one of the main aspects to fulfil the aim of our common motto: Being a
“Global Synchronization Place
for NATO CIMIC and Civil Military Interaction (CMI)”. No IT means “Mission Impossible”.
CIS section, thank you for your service!
The variety of tasks, Cptm Schleimer supports CCOE members.