Field/Staff Worker Course: Live feed with daily updates

The CCOE offers a wide landscape of courses and in this arcticle you will find daily news to our Field and Staff Worker course.

The NATO CIMIC Field Worker and Staff Worker courses are the foundation to achieve a succesfull carreer in the wide field of civil-military interaction.

The main purpose of these courses is to enable participants, officers and non-commissioned officers (NCOs), who are, or will be appointed as CIMIC Field Workers, to conduct CIMIC activities across the full spectrum of military engagement in a modern operational environment, up to and including corps/component command level.

For the first time we will cover the whole two weeks on our CCOE Facebook channel and our homepage aswell. Be prepared for first hand CIMIC experiences, interesting interviews and unique insights from our studends.

Course director Captain Oliver Dyka (3rd from right) with his coaches from six different nations.

Our NATO CIMIC Field/Staff Worker course ended and is for many participants the first successful step into the CIMIC world. Welcome to the family and see you soon!