The Hague meets Nienburg : Partners in Civil-Military Cooperation!
CCOE supports Zentrum Zivil-Militärische Zusammenarbeit der Bundeswehr in Nienburg/Germany
On Thursday May 3rd Major Etien Lavalette (NLD-A) had the opportunity to share knowledge and experiences about NATO CIMIC with 16 German CIMIC operators who are following the German CIMIC Course. The day was very interactive and engaging with several presentations, syndicate work phases and personal CIMIC experiences from the course participants.
In the afternoon the course participants had to present their findings about Humanitarian Organizations and the UN Cluster Approach. While the German CIMIC Basic Course is conducted in – of course – the German Language, the CCOE day is fully conducted in English. A small extra challenge for the participants!
A fruitful day which will be sustained during the next courses in Nienburg too. And special thanks to Nienburg…see you again in The Hague.
A few times a year the Zentrum Zivil-Militärische Zusammenarbeit der Bundeswehr in Nienburg executes the German CIMIC Basic Course. During this three week Course, which teaches German soldiers about CIMIC principles, one day is planned to inform the participants about NATO CIMIC Topics. A non-German member of the CCOE teaches about the CCOE, NATO CIMIC, the Civil Environment and the Comprehensive Approach.