Wargaming-event by NATO Joint Warfare Centre
Our Polish National Senior Representative Lieutenant Colonel Sabiniarz about an intense and valuable week preparing and attending the wargaming-event hosted by NATO Joint Warfare Centre (JWC) beginning of February:
"Everything begins with the idea. Or in this case with a phone call from a friend. I was getting a kid to a school when I had this strange call from JWC to provide a problem statement for the new wargame project they do with a COE that would be chosen to partner. He got me at "new", but the deadline was less than 24 hrs, so in NATO virtually impossible. 12 coffees and few phone calls later I was ready, but kind of felt it all farfetched. Then months of coordination, Sisyphus labor by the game design team, JWC OPR change, Deputy OPR change, few crises, comm breakouts, nervous breakdown, the final product was delivered. Is it great? Yes! Was it worth it? Time will show, I loved every step of it. CIMIC in BACO? Military contribution to National Resilience? I was not really sure it can be done, but JWC showed what they are paid for - the scenario, the events the mechanics- realistic, modern, operational. A lot of things had to be cancelled last year; I am so glad I can look back at 2020 with at least a tiny amount of pride."
How can a NATO Joint Commander use currently authorized levels of Civil-Military Interaction to influence Resilience through Civil Preparedness as an element of Credible Deterrence?
This question shaped the Wargame design, on which basis the CIMIC Centre of Excellence (CCOE) has asked NATO Joint Warfare Centre (JWC) to provide a forum for exploration and discussion. Based on this problem statement, the JWC has designed two games. Both games are based on the latest Civil Emergency Planning Committee’s (CEPC) “Baseline Requirements, Resilience Guidelines and Evaluation Criteria” and ACO’s Interim Direction and Guidance for Resilience through Civil Preparedness.
The JWC spent more than eight months developing two customised wargames, which were played alongside various civil and military actors. The CCOE appreciates the great work and opportunity that JWCs Wargaming Design Capability has provided! Now, it's up to us how to implement the games and the gained experiences in our course landscape.